Ah humans, the world’s best story tellers. If there is one thing us humans excel at, it is telling a story.

In fact, all great marketing boils down to telling the most engaging and lasting story. In the brave new world of sonic branding, this is no different, however the process can be a bit shrouded in mystery.

So without further ado, let Spacist Productions uncover that mystery for you and give you the fundamentals of telling a great story through sonic branding:

Every great story starts at the beginning and sonic branding is no different.

In storytelling terms this would be called your “sonic setup.”

In business terms this would be called your “sonic elevator pitch.”

In marketing terms this would be called your “sonic logo.”

In biology terms this would be called your “sonic DNA.”

This is the most important part, because great Sonic Branding starts with great sonic DNA and builds from there.

The most iconic example of great sonic DNA is McDonald’s “I’m Loving It” campaign. 3 seconds of pure ear candy. It sounds happy and inviting, and broadcasts the goal most central to the company, that you are going to LOVE these burgers. Just as importantly, it leaves a lot of room for variation on a theme.

How much variation you say? Well.. a lot of variation. A 3 second jingle so good that Justin Timberlake can make a song out of it that cracks the top Billboard, is repurposed thousands of times in different contexts, and 18 years later, is still ripe in the public consciousness. The stock price of McDonald’s before the “I’m Loving It” campaign was under $12. The stock price today is $232.65. Not to be over dramatic here, but that jingle saved the day for McDonalds.

And that leads us to our next point: once you have the sonic brand, now you can build a sonic ecosystem out of it.

Take the DNA of your sonic brand and do endless variations on the theme, the more creative the better. You want to drill this theme into the subconscious of your audience so that anything remotely close to the theme that they hear in the real world, they will relate it back to your brand. A clever example of this is when telecom company DU commissioned classical composer Reiner Erlings to compose a classical piece with DU’s signature sonic DNA inside of it.

The options here are endless and they are only limited to your music production team’s creativity.

Through music, you want to tell a story that immediately captures your audiences attention and makes them understand your company’s values. And you want that story to be elaborated and built upon in different ways through its life cycle.

Here at Spacist Productions, we’re obsessed with story telling through music. If you’d like to chat with us about how to create your story, feel free to get in touch.

Talk soon!